SIP Tutorial: Lambda sensor SIP A/F Ratio for rev counter SIP
In this video, André shows you how to insert the lambda sensor correctly and sensibly. Our kit can help you to adjust the carburettor perfectly and you can read off the speedometer in black and white whether it is running too rich or too lean. Everything that used to be done by ear or by feel can now be checked precisely with the lambda sensor in conjunction with the SIP speed ometer/rev counter. André also dispels the myth that such a sensor cannot be inserted into two-stroke engines. That may have been the case in the past, but it is possible today without any problems.
The lambda sensor
Lambda sensors are specialised devices designed for the electronic control of contemporary internal combustion engines. Their task is to determine the correct amount of fuel used by the injection control unit. They check whether the engine is running too rich or too lean by measuring the remaining oxygen in the burnt air. A lambda value of 1.0 theoretically indicates complete combustion of atmospheric oxygen, which is equivalent to burning 14.7 parts air with 1 part premium petrol. If the engine is running too lean, the air values will exceed 1 or 14.7, while an engine running too rich will have lower air values.