Webshop tutorial 2: the search

Created by Alex at 12:06 on June 13, 2024

There are various ways to find your articles. One way is to use the search mask. Our search is error-tolerant, it forgives spelling mistakes and recognises many alternative terms.

You can search with us using:

  • Search words

  • SIP article numbers

  • Manufacturer numbers

  • Vehicle models

Sometimes entering several search words does not necessarily lead to a better result because separators are read differently or terms are found in even more articles. This is where the aftersearch filters come into play. Filters that further narrow down a search results list. We will now show you the most effective way to get to the articles. What is the quickest way to find my part?

Example 1: I have an old Vespa 150 and am looking for a Bearing for the Crankshaft.

The starting point is the online shop of SIP Scootershop, i.e. www.sip-scootershop.com.

model selection-01

Select scooter category and scooter type

As described in Webshop Tutorial 1, you restrict your scooter category, possibly also your scooter type or even your vehicle model.

These vehicle filters can also be set after an existing search. The setting is saved for further Spokes.

In the example, you do not know the exact type, but you know that it is an old Wideframe Vespa: VL, VM or VN. You therefore only restrict the scooter type to "Vespa 98/125/150 -`56". Then confirm with "Reload".


Input in the search mask

In this case, you have entered "crankshaft bearing" in the search mask. Even if this term does not correspond to our article names, many bearings will be found.


Use aftersearch filter

Then set the aftersearch filter ARTICLE NAME. This restricts your search result to exactly your search term "Bearing" and you get a quick overview.

Other aftersearch filters narrow down the list even further.


SIP-TIP: List view

Switching to the list view makes further article details visible and allows you to quickly open the exact vehicle application list "SHOW MATCHING MODELS".

Example 2: I am looking for a Tyre for my Vespa GTS.

The starting point is the SIP Scootershop online shop, i.e. www.sip-scootershop.com.


Set scooter type

There aremany Vespa GTS Models, but you only know that it has 300 cc.

It is best to set the scooter type filter on the homepage to "Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT60 250-300" so that you only see parts for this scooter type throughout your session. Confirm your selection with "Reload". You can find more information in Webshop Tutorial 1.


Enter search term

Even without restricting the type of scooter, you can find many suitable items for Tyres, Kits, Wheel Assemblies and more in the shop. Now enter "Tyre GTS" in the search mask.

selection tyres-01

Set aftersearch filter

Now set the aftersearch filter ARTICLE NAME to "Tyre" and restrict the list to your searched size "120/70-12" with the aftersearch filter TIRE SIZE.

detail view-01

SIP-TIP: quick preview

If you click on this icon, further article details will become visible.

Example 3: I have installed a 200 Engine in my oldie and am looking for a Racing Crankshaft

The starting point is the online shop of SIP Scootershop, i.e. www.sip-scootershop.com.


Select category

You can't categorise your scooter exactly. But it is definitely a classic Vespa. Therefore: Set the vehicle category to CLASSIC VESPA. Confirm your selection by clicking on Reload.


Enter search term

You know that you have a 200 Engine and are looking for a Racing Crankshaft, so you enter: "Racing Crankshaft 200".


Set aftersearch

You can narrow down the selection using the aftersearch filters. Now that you know your Engine, set "PX200" for MOTORTYP.


Refine selection

What is the Racing Crankshaft I am looking for? At KLASSIK Vespa we differentiate between racing crankshafts: Disc Valve or Reed Valve? Long stroke or normal stroke? These settings can be made using various aftersearch filters such as ARTICLE NAME, TYPE or HUB.



If you are not so familiar with Racing Crankshafts, you can approach the topic via the upper and lower groups: Crankshaft top group.

Mehr Tutorials

SIP Webshop Tutorial 1: Rollerkategorie, Rollertyp und Fahrzeugmodell

SIP Webshop Tutorial 3: Die Untergrupppen

SIP Webshop Tutorial 4: Die Obergruppen

SIP Webshop Tutorial 5: Die Exlposionszeichnungen

SIP Webshop Tutorial 6: Die Artikelstammkarte


Alexander Barth is co-founder and managing director of SIP Scootershop. He has been actively driving a Vespa since 1989 and has made his hobby his life's work. Alex was born in 1977 and has 4 children.
