"Mods & Rockers"

Created by Dietrich Limper at 15:04 on April 11, 2014
Mods & Rockers

"Mods vs. Rockers", "Frock or Parker", "2T or 4T", "Rocker or Mod". The eternal conflict between scooter and motorbike lovers has not ceased since the 60s.

In Thailand it works quite simply. Not against each other but with each other. "Mods & Rockers" is the name of the event that has enjoyed increasing popularity for several years. At the end of 2013, the meeting took place again in the north of Thailand. Many Mods & Rockers made the journey, for example from Bangkok, to attend the event. All under the motto: "Let's ride on your pride".

We have collected a few impressions and a nice video of the event for you.

Mods & Rockers
Mods & Rockers
Dietrich Limper
Dietrich Limper

Dietrich Limper works as an editor for SIP Scootershop and also writes for local and national publications. When he's not geocaching, he enjoys the amazing antics of Bayer Leverkusen.
