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SIP Scootershop successfully trains two new office communication clerks

만든 사람 Ralf Jodl at 16:07 o'clock on 2016년 7월 12일

Once again, two apprentices have gone through the high school of the SIP Academy and have been trained as office communication clerks. Veronika Stöcker and Max Reiter completed their training at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce with very good results. Training manager Sebastian Bauch (far left) is visibly impressed. The company doesn't let itself be lumpen either - flowers and wine are Springing.


Ralf Jodl
Ralf Jodl

Ralf is managing director and co-founder of SIP Scootershop. He has been riding Vespa since 1990 and even today the working day starts best for him when he rides to the SIP headquarters in Landsberg on his Rally 200. Otherwise he owns a 180 SS, a 160 GS and a VM2 fenderlight Vespa.
