SIP team off to Southern France on their Vespas

Created by Stephan Hufschmid at 15:08 on August 5, 2009
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Wednesday 15 July 2009, 7am.

Meeting point SIP-Scootershop Landsberg am Lech.


Eight 2-stroke addicted Vespa junkies head for a little spot on the map called Mormoiron near Avignon in France, a mere 1,000km ride. It is raining!

So we get out our waterproof rain gear and embark on our journey neatly packed. Remember, “There is no such thing as bad weather…!”

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Stephan Hufschmid
Stephan Hufschmid

Stephan Hufschmid has been part of SIP Scootershop since 2001. As sales manager, he is responsible for the strategic orientation of our sales channels. In addition, he is in charge of parts of the quality and complaint management as well as the MALOSSI Germany brand management. His passion are Vespa smallframe models. But also nostalgic "plastic bombers" like ZIP, NRG or Aerox are not necessarily unpopular models with him. His current vehicle is a Vespa GTS 300, of course with Malossi engine upgrade and SIP styling parts: Performance & Style.
