SIP Scootershop featuring Homeoffice

Created by Ralf Jodl at 13:01 on January 28, 2021

Where possible, employees should work from home offices. This reduces mobility and prevents contacts and accidents on the way to work. This should further reduce the number of infections.

We have already implemented working from home at SIP Scootershop in the first pandemic wave in spring. We have employees with pre-existing conditions, some of which are severe, who need to be protected. Then we have employees living at home with people in the household who need protection. Here, too, we were able to make it possible to work from home in many cases.

Virtual Teammeeting with Microsoft Teams

How does working from home work at SIP Scootershop?

Now, in the second wave of the pandemic, we have significantly expanded the topic of home office. As the number of infections increased, so did our team's awareness of the need to do the maximum possible here.

Of course, as in many companies with "production", there are natural limits to teleworking. Incoming goods, order picking or packaging cannot be physically separated from our company building. Here we have taken all conceivable hygiene measures such as ventilation, masks, disinfection, distance, etc.. In the meantime, everyone has also gained good practice in this area in private and leaves out hugs etc. But we are all very happy when these signs of friendship and affection are finally possible again.

Christoph in his home office explains technical context to customers in his private workshop

Our technician Christoph has also been in the home office since December. He answers the phone or supports by email when customers have specific technical questions that not everyone in the sales team can answer. Christoph then often takes the phone to his private workshop and photographs or films important details for the customer.

Currently, SIP Scootershop has 16 employees working from home, from the accounting, purchasing and sales departments. These employees are technically fully connected, reachable on the phone or support via email and the messenger services. As a customer, you don't notice at all whether you are talking to a SIP employee at home or in a SIP call centre. The technical effort for this is not that small, data protection, data security and a stable internet connection are important points here. Our service level, i.e. the number of answered enquiries within a period of time, is still very high. Regular virtual team meetings via Microsoft Teams replace meetings at the coffee counter or in the meeting room. In summary, we can say that our experience with home office has been good so far.

Nevertheless, everyone in the team is looking forward to meeting colleagues and customers "live" again soon, to sitting together over an espresso or a pizza, or to running into customers in the shop. Until then, we will continue to be there for you, at home or at our SIP Scootershop Headquarters.

Stay healthy and see you soon!

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Ralf Jodl
Ralf Jodl

Ralf is managing director and co-founder of SIP Scootershop. He has been riding Vespa since 1990 and even today the working day starts best for him when he rides to the SIP headquarters in Landsberg on his Rally 200. Otherwise he owns a 180 SS, a 160 GS and a VM2 fenderlight Vespa.
