Scooter Zen from Japan

Created by Dietrich Limper at 14:12 on December 8, 2021

The short film "Metaverse" by Japanese director and filmmaker Hiroshi Kondo makes a swarm out of individuals that seem to move willy-nilly in one direction. Individual scooter riders dissolve, many faces become one and big city life becomes a meditative experience. Accompanied by a hypnotic soundtrack by DJ Hi-C, this short film unfolds its very own maelstrom. Kondo shot on the streets of Taiwan and later reworked the material in the studio into a multi-layered experience. Let him speak in his own words:

A crowd moving in one direction. People who flow in a moment.
A scene where the difference with other people disappears and looks uniform.
There are many different kinds of life there.
You can feel invisible energy when you see a large mass of individuals.

I set myself in the Streets of Taiwan, and I multilayered a lot of time to create a new timeline that reflects individuals.

A must-see. Scooter Zen for relaxation.

Attention! The attached video contains sequences of flashing lights that may disturb viewers who are prone to photosensitive epilepsy or other light sensitivities.

Dietrich Limper
Dietrich Limper

Dietrich Limper works as an editor for SIP Scootershop and also writes for local and national publications. When he's not geocaching, he enjoys the amazing antics of Bayer Leverkusen.
