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Produktbild für 'Stoßdämpfer MALOSSI S24/10 4612949 hinten'
Stoßdämpfer MALOSSI S24/10 4612949 hinten
Art.-Nr.: M4612949
569,00 €
inkl. MwSt. Portofrei
2,3kg / Stück
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Stoßdämpfer MALOSSI S24/10 4612949 hinten

Fahrwerk RACE - erstklassig

Nur für Rennzwecke. Im Bereich der deutschen StVZO nicht zugelassen!
OEM-Nummer(n): 4612949 (MALOSSI)
569,00 €
Jetzt bewerten
inkl. MwSt. Portofrei
2,3kg / Stück
Art.-Nr.: M4612949



Malossi srl is glad to present to the pubblic a new version of RS 24 shock absorbers for scooters. This new shock absorber is designed and built especially for racing and it is at the top of shock absorbers specific for scooter. It has been designed on the bases of the indications gave directly by Malossi techical department to Paioli and later it has been tested for a long time on Italian racing tracks. These shock absorbers have an external compensation tank for the liquids working inside it; in fact, the oil inside the shock absorber is connected by a high resistance tube to the tank where there is a revolving diaphragm as partition between the oil and the high pression nitrogen gas.

Techical features

  • Type: oil-pneumatic shock absorber with parted compensation tank.
  • Use: Scooter for competition
  • Shock absorber rod Ø 14 mm in 38 NiCrMo4UNI 7845 steel hardered and tempered with 25-30 micon hard chrome layer (mm) (surface hardness of untreated shaft HRC 55/60)
  • Piston Ø 36 mm with two indipendent laminar packs (one in compression, one in expansion)
  • New laminar system in music steel for extremely precise calibration
  • LUBRIFLON ­ PTFEB 70 piston guide shoe (bronze-loaded modified compound)
  • Sliding on DU GUIDE bush (compound obtained by sinterization of a layer of spheroidal bronze on a strap of suitably shaped low-carbon steel with subequent impregnation and coating with a PT-FE + FB mixture)
  • SEALTHANE 9345 grade polyester resin scraper ring
  • Micrometric regulation of spring preloading by means of ring nuts
  • 24-position adjustment of hydraulic braking in expansion
  • 10-positions adjustment of hydraulic braking in compression
  • Special low-viscosity oil, practically unaffected by tempertaure changes
  • External compensation tank which allows an increasing of the quantity of the inner liquids.If you consider the above described technical features, you can realise that these special shock absorbers are the best technological expression today available for the public




Inter-axis mm

46 8298










OEM-Nummern (dienen zu Vergleichszwecken): 4612949 (MALOSSI)
EAN-Nummer: 4260088517340


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